
Lately, we've been aiming to bring you some real quality hotties. I'm talking smart, gorgeous, and accomplished hotties. Hotties who aren't really like us. They aren't concerned with dick jokes, but they still have a sense of humor. They don't go out and get trashed, but they still know how to be the life of the party. Today, we hit the lottery. Jocelyn is incredibly beautiful with eyes that can burn a hole in you. This is wifey material, pimp. Take notes. Jocelyn, give em a little somethin to wet these fellas whistles.
Mon nom est: Jocelyn
J'habite en: The Philadelphia Metro Area
Occupation: Student and CSR for TD Bank
I am adventurous, caring and bright. I love to party, learn about different cultures, art, and I enjoy intelligent conversations. I am an opera singer. I am a Soprano and Mezzo Soprano. I play violin for a Quartet at Rutgers and participate in Madrigals. I am exotic. My mother is 100% Peruvian, my father is Puerto Rican of Spanish, German- Israeli, Ukrainian descent. The only reason why I bother mentioning all is because of the different traditions that have been embraced and passed down from generation to generation. I did not really know about my culture until I looked into the origin of some of the traditions and the different foreign platters that are prepared by different family members. Anthropology is really interesting to me and I thought about taking it up in college, but I always wanted to be a lawyer and I love music. I like learning different languages. I am currently working on French. I speak Spanish and Italian and obviously English. I am also interested in Politics and I love hearing about different perspectives on mediating issues among different countries.
I could have gone to many of the schools I applied to, but each one was missing the Philadelphia flair. The school I did want to go to was a little beyond my reach at the time. I assumed that I was bright enough to excel in UPenn, but they thought otherwise. I got into UMASS in Amherst and was convinced I was going to go despite the cost. My financial situation was not necessarily what kept me in the metro area, but the thought of going to a totally different place where I knew no one was the reality check I had when I walked through that immense campus. It was beautiful yes, but I felt homesick. I would not be able to walk around the art museum let alone party at local clubs where the doors were open to me because of the people I knew and who they might be. I stayed. I remained on a campus where I felt embraced. Rutgers- Camden. Why you ask, its the thought of knowing I could still run over the Ben Franklin bridge and run back within an hour admiring the water as it glistens in the sun. It is a research university where whatever is intriguing to you will be a research topic they will acknowledge. It is that I could just walk over the bridge to Philadelphia and be in another world and find everything and anything that catches my eye. It is the open mindedness of the Philadelphia area that is unique. From its history to now it truly is a remarkable embracement of American culture and truly the place where it began. The cultures and traditions the colorful ethnicity's that compose this city are unique. Its debonair flair is attractive to all who like to taste fine wine in chic restaurants and spend a glamorous evening at an event in the Art Museum. The sports, the spirit, and that passion this city has are captivating. I love Philadelphia. It's great. It’s truly exciting.
Woooooow, theres so much to talk about! I'm not even gonna try. I was completely caught off guard. I mean, you never really know what response your going to get, but something about this response was so sexy. It's like crazy confident, yet cool. She knows herself, and I'm sure most of us would like to get to know her too. I'm just awestruck Accomplished violinist, brilliant mind, beautiful smile. This is why we do this site. JOCELYN is the type of girl I want to learn how to talk to. So here you go, fella. Take the advice...

Tip of the Day
Q: What can a guy do on a first date to impress you?
A: On a first date, a girl loves to here about you and loves to engage in conversation. Be genuine and speak whatever is on your mind. Never let awkward silence occur, and if it does, ask about your date. Maybe she has something to say that can lead into an excellent conversation. Guys you should always listen. Girls love to clue you in on helpful insight on how to make them happy. Be honest. Make her smile. Laughter is definitely the best way to break the ice. I personally love funny and witty guys.
Sophistication is sexy no matter what style you are influenced to convey.

That's my girlfriend!!!!!!!! <3 I love her!!!!!! xoxo
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