Dear Atomic Bombshell,
I have been trying to meet quality girls. It seems like the only place to meet anyone is bars and clubs. I was wondering what your thoughts were on those online dating services?
E. Harmon
Dear "E. Harmon,"
Go for it! The world we live in is all about getting everything that you need with a phone call or internet. Sure, a lot of it seems impersonal. Who has the time to be "out there" like that? I can honestly tell you that I know someone who has successfully found suitors with a popular online dating service. Those people are not shy about what they are looking for. Right down to how much money their ideal partner should make. These are people who are looking outside of social gatherings, bars, clubs or chance meetings, to hopefully find the person that completes them. I'm sure like anything else, there will be a few bad dates. If you know what you are looking for, I think you could probably have a some success with something like I say give it a try! Be honest about what you are looking for. It never hurts to try, especially if you are not having that much success, elsewhere. Best of luck to you!
Atomic Bombshell
Do you have questions or comments about sex or dating? I want to hear all about it. Email me at
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Atomic Bombshells Anatomically Correct Dating Advice
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
2:02 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
She Got Me Thinking Of A Master Plan, Nah I'm Lyin. Hottie On My Mind

Good morning, homos...oh, homeys. Typo. Please call GLAAD and inform them of my typing error. I'm gonna be boxer brief today because sometimes words aren't really needed. Today we are bringing you an absolute cutie. Heather Elizabeth (double the name, double the hotness) is here to whisk away all your woes. This cutie comes to us from Delaware (Dela-where?), but she is a Philly girl at heart. She used to work (and still might) at club 27, one of Philly's premier hotspots, and you can find her gallivanting all over the tri-state are tryin to get the paper, Holmes. Sorry, I fell asleep with MTV Jams on so I've got that slang on my brain. Heather Elizabeth kinda reminds of a young Sarah Michelle Gellar, except she's got a much better body. In fact, her ass is incredible. She got a Donk. Let's hear what this cutie pie has to say about herself.

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
11:00 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Roxx Is In The Building!

Crystal enjoys Reality Tv, Tanning, working out, Reading books and hanging out with good friends. And her friends are hot.....and then there's also some big dudes she hangs out with, who I'm sure can fight cause I think Ms. Roxx has nooooo problem starting some shit. She really is hot though. Let's not get away from that. Flat stomach, great asspiece, and a gorgeous smile. Crystal can easily change me to a blonde man, plus read her advice...she even gave some for the ladies.

Q: Crystal tell us a little bit about what you look for in a guy, and give these ladies a little piece of advice to while your at it, eh?
A:Dating tips, just be yourself. Guys love that, and a girl who can be silly classy and just hang with the guys at the same time!
What I look for in a male is a great sense of humor, great smile, nice butt and can hold a great conversation I also love a Driven man with goals that he strives to succeed in.

Click Here to see more pics and dating advice from this hottie!
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
9:38 AM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Atomic Bombshell's Anatomically Correct Dating Advice
Dear Atomic Bombshell,
I feel like I was cornered into meeting this girl's family on Thanksgiving. We have only been seeing each other for 3 weeks. She's really cool and I like hanging out with her but I'm not into this at all. I said yes, in the midst of a wonderful date. She asked me if I would "stop by" her family's house on Thanksgiving to say hi and have a drink. Okay, not a big deal. Then last night, she was like, "I can't believe you are coming to meet my family for Thanksgiving!" Well, when she said it like that, it just sounded completely different than "Hey, you should stop by my families house on Thanksgiving, and say hi have a drink with me." It seems so much more casual and less pressure when she said it that way. Now, she is so excited about it. It has a totally different vibe and I don't want to go. Do I make any sense? How do I get out of going without her hating me?
Do NOT Want to Meet The Parents
Dear "Do NOT Want to Meet The Parents,"
I actually understand exactly where you are coming from. Her presentation was false. She probably had more expectations of the "stopping by on a major family holiday." She was probably nervous when she asked you and completely down-played the situation and what it meant to her. First things first, what the hell are you doing "dating" someone around the holidays? If you don't feel that way about this person or you just enjoy her company when you are in the mood for company, phase it out! What's next? What did you buy me for Christmas? Get a grip on this now! Second, tell her exactly what you told me. When it was first discussed, it was not a big deal. Now you feel like it is a big deal and maybe something that you are not ready for. Tell her, perhaps it would be better for you to me her parents on a regular day when there is less pressure and LESS FAMILY around. If she is not a crazy girl, she will understand that it has only been a few weeks and a holiday is not always the best time to have this meeting. If she freaks out, she probably already had your children's names picked out and has practiced writing her first name with your last name, so thank god you dodged that bullet! I hope it all works out for you. Thanks for writing.
Atomic Bombshell
Do you have questions or comments about sex or dating? I want to hear all about it. Email me at
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
12:24 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
Yo, Yo, Yo HomeGirl, Bow Chicka Wow Wow, Whaddup Shorty?

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
9:35 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This Hottie Isn't Your Normal Soprano

Lately, we've been aiming to bring you some real quality hotties. I'm talking smart, gorgeous, and accomplished hotties. Hotties who aren't really like us. They aren't concerned with dick jokes, but they still have a sense of humor. They don't go out and get trashed, but they still know how to be the life of the party. Today, we hit the lottery. Jocelyn is incredibly beautiful with eyes that can burn a hole in you. This is wifey material, pimp. Take notes. Jocelyn, give em a little somethin to wet these fellas whistles.
Mon nom est: Jocelyn
J'habite en: The Philadelphia Metro Area
Occupation: Student and CSR for TD Bank
I am adventurous, caring and bright. I love to party, learn about different cultures, art, and I enjoy intelligent conversations. I am an opera singer. I am a Soprano and Mezzo Soprano. I play violin for a Quartet at Rutgers and participate in Madrigals. I am exotic. My mother is 100% Peruvian, my father is Puerto Rican of Spanish, German- Israeli, Ukrainian descent. The only reason why I bother mentioning all is because of the different traditions that have been embraced and passed down from generation to generation. I did not really know about my culture until I looked into the origin of some of the traditions and the different foreign platters that are prepared by different family members. Anthropology is really interesting to me and I thought about taking it up in college, but I always wanted to be a lawyer and I love music. I like learning different languages. I am currently working on French. I speak Spanish and Italian and obviously English. I am also interested in Politics and I love hearing about different perspectives on mediating issues among different countries.
I could have gone to many of the schools I applied to, but each one was missing the Philadelphia flair. The school I did want to go to was a little beyond my reach at the time. I assumed that I was bright enough to excel in UPenn, but they thought otherwise. I got into UMASS in Amherst and was convinced I was going to go despite the cost. My financial situation was not necessarily what kept me in the metro area, but the thought of going to a totally different place where I knew no one was the reality check I had when I walked through that immense campus. It was beautiful yes, but I felt homesick. I would not be able to walk around the art museum let alone party at local clubs where the doors were open to me because of the people I knew and who they might be. I stayed. I remained on a campus where I felt embraced. Rutgers- Camden. Why you ask, its the thought of knowing I could still run over the Ben Franklin bridge and run back within an hour admiring the water as it glistens in the sun. It is a research university where whatever is intriguing to you will be a research topic they will acknowledge. It is that I could just walk over the bridge to Philadelphia and be in another world and find everything and anything that catches my eye. It is the open mindedness of the Philadelphia area that is unique. From its history to now it truly is a remarkable embracement of American culture and truly the place where it began. The cultures and traditions the colorful ethnicity's that compose this city are unique. Its debonair flair is attractive to all who like to taste fine wine in chic restaurants and spend a glamorous evening at an event in the Art Museum. The sports, the spirit, and that passion this city has are captivating. I love Philadelphia. It's great. It’s truly exciting.
Woooooow, theres so much to talk about! I'm not even gonna try. I was completely caught off guard. I mean, you never really know what response your going to get, but something about this response was so sexy. It's like crazy confident, yet cool. She knows herself, and I'm sure most of us would like to get to know her too. I'm just awestruck Accomplished violinist, brilliant mind, beautiful smile. This is why we do this site. JOCELYN is the type of girl I want to learn how to talk to. So here you go, fella. Take the advice...

Q: What can a guy do on a first date to impress you?
A: On a first date, a girl loves to here about you and loves to engage in conversation. Be genuine and speak whatever is on your mind. Never let awkward silence occur, and if it does, ask about your date. Maybe she has something to say that can lead into an excellent conversation. Guys you should always listen. Girls love to clue you in on helpful insight on how to make them happy. Be honest. Make her smile. Laughter is definitely the best way to break the ice. I personally love funny and witty guys.
Sophistication is sexy no matter what style you are influenced to convey.

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
1:10 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
"CrabCakes And Football...That's What Maryland Does!"...They Forgot To Add "Poorly"

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
9:25 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008
She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy...It's Really Turns Her On

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
10:16 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Atomic Bombshell's Anatomically Correct Dating Advice
Myspace.. The new nightclub for singles??? Or an excuse to behave badly?
The endless emails that my girlfriends and I, get on myspace from guys fishing the internet for women! I truly believe that I have heard it ALL! I get it, with a name like "Atomic Bombshell," a pretty photo, I'm just asking to be picked up on, right? If that's what you think, you are dead wrong. Shame on you for not taking the time to read my profile. Guys on myspace have become outrageous with the content of their emails. I'm not saying you can't find someone to date from myspace, if that's what two people are looking for. I'm simply saying that people use their myspace/facebook, as a tool to re-create themselves. Some people behave in ways that they would not,in a real life meeting. It's like being stuck at a nightclub with the guy who keeps trying to dance with you from across the room and send you drinks. UNWANTED. You know when you are out on a Saturday night, trying to pick up girls, you are not being the "real you." You may have some liquid courage and an attitude like "I'm taking chances because I am never going to see this person again." So you might talk to someone that you normally wouldn't. Or 5 someone's that you would not normally talk too. Perfect example;
The movie Singles-
David Bailey: Tonight I'll be the super me. Steve Dunne: What if the super you meets the super her and the super her rejects the super you? David Bailey: Then it's no problem. Steve Dunne: Uh-huh. Why? David Bailey: Because it was never you, it was just an act.
It seems that men have applied a similar logic to myspace. The difference is that it can be so extreme, that it's creepy! They have these alter-ego profiles with half naked women in their top friends. Even if they don't really intend to meet anyone, what if they are married or in serious relationships? They are on myspace to fulfill some sexual ego that is not being met
There are plenty of ways to get to know someone. THINK BEFORE YOU MYSPACE.
There are other people at the end of those emails who get really offended by the presumptions you make, about who they are and why they are there.
Do you have questions or comments about sex or dating? I want to hear all about it. Email me at
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
12:54 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
We Are The Champions....Of The World

Let me preface this by saying that Justine has already been one of our lovely Philly Hotties, but when the opportunity to get her point of view on the World series came up, I had to jump at it. I mean, I'm still on this emotional high from being at the game. It's the coolest moment I've ever been witness to. Plus Justine got to be in the parade!!! How many people can say that??? This 20 year old from Bucks County is living the dream, and was kind enough to take us a long for the ride. Besides being a hottie, Justine was a ballgirl for the Phils this year, and I had to know...what was the parade like...what was the World Series like...Justine happened to be working Game 5 (both parts), so she gave us a little insight on what it was like being on ground level for the greatest moment in Philly Sports history in 25 years. Without further ado, here is our inside access to the Phillies Championship. Take it away, Justine!

Hey Philly, I am Justine and a 2nd year Phillies Ballgirl. I was fortunate enough to be the on field ballgirl for game 5 (and game 5 1/2 ha) of the World Series, and can hands down say it was one of the most memorable moments of my entire life. After working during the first half of game 5, I was just happy that there wasn't a rain drop in the sky. Although it was still a ripe 30 degrees my adrenaline was taking over and giving me the warmth that I needed. Being on the field during those last 3 crucial innings was beyond nerve racking. My heart was pounding out of my chest and the crowd was beyond loud. The sea of white rally towels left me with long lasting chills, and when the last strike was thrown I threw my hands in the air and started celebrating with the fans in the seats next to me. When the last batter came to the plate my eyes filled with tears in anticipation of what could possibly be to come. The Philadelphia Phillies, World Series Champions...are you serious??? I can't believe that I can tell my friends and family years to come that I was on the field that October day when the 2008 Phillies took home the first championship this city has seen in 25 years. After the initial night of celebrating, we all knew it wasn't over. This city had a parade to experience down Broad Street. I was so incredibly lucky and got to be on float #1 along with the veteran ballgirls, broadcasters such as Harry Kalas, Wheels, Larry Anderson, Scott Franske, The Sarge, and of course your favorite mascot the Phillie Phanatic. That parade was one of the single most surreal moments of my entire life. It sounds so cheesy but it honestly was a picture straight out of a movie. Non stop cheers, an endless sea of red, confetti filling the air, and the sweet feeling of victory filled the streets of south Philadelphia. The very first time "We are the Champions" played and the crowd sang along brought tears to my eyes because I just looked around and thought of how lucky I was to be apart of such an incredible event in Philadelphia's history. Working for the Phillies these past two years have left me with memories that I will never ever forget. I have experienced some of the most incredible things that I will hold with me forever. But one of the favorite parts of my job is getting to hang out with you, the fans. Every game you show us why you are the best fans in sports. This city deserved a championship this big. So take the time to soak it all in and enjoy. Just think...we could always do this again next year! GO PHILS!

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
12:28 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
You Ain't Got Nothing on Me
Age: 22
Location: South Jersey/Philadelphia area
Occupation: Recording Artist, Singer, Songwriter, Model
Website: www. breaferrar. com
My Little Story: I'm currently signed to a production deal with a company called NoizeTrip, based out of Philadelphia. We've been recording since June, and with the help of our management team, we just started shopping out to record labels in NYC and LA!!! My music is a combination of pop, club, hip-hop, and big beats! My style is based somewhat on a James Bond girl -- alluring and sexy, but not in an overly-done way (aka not showing too much skin!!). With that, we also strive for our song lyrics to be deeper than they appear! So for instance, my new song, "Love Roulette," which is now up on my website, talks about "playing games and gambling with your heart," and it's also about not being scared to take a risk, learning to take a chance on love, and trying your luck with life.
Here's some BIO stuff:
Breá is most recognized as the winner of “American Dreamz,” a national singing competition sponsored by Universal Music and America On-Line, and based on the BlockBuster movie hit of the same name. Upon winning, Breá was flown to Hollywood, CA, featured on FOX 29 News, and also interviewed on FOXs live morning show, "Good Day Philadelphia." While in Los Angeles, Breá made a VIP guest appearance at Universal Studios for the red-carpet movie premiere of "You, Me, and Dupree" (starring Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, and Matt Dillon) at the ArcLight Cinema in LA.
Breá recently sang the National Anthem for a sold-out crowd of over 45,000 people at a Philadelphia Phillies-Boston Red Sox game.

In addition, Breá was dubbed "Top Female Vocalist" after competing in a Walt Disney World talent contest, performing one of her favorite cover songs, Mariah Carey’s "Vision of Love."
Furthermore, Breá sang on August 3rd at the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences banquet at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia for the local Emmy Award nominations and was also the featured vocalist at the black-tie Mid-Atlantic Emmy Awards ballroom ceremony on September 9th.

Click Here to see more pics and dating advice from this hottie!
Posted by
Kev InC
11:59 AM
Labels: High Class Hottie, Hottie of the Day
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
10:00 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Rock The Cradle Of Loooove

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
9:48 AM