Katie hails from West Chester, and I'm sticking with the blonde theme for today. This hottie is just a flat out cutie. You can seriously bring this one home to mom, and she'll be like..."good job, jerk." At least, thats how my mom speaks to me. Then I'm like..."Awww Mom, I love you." I think this hottie's best quality (besides her stunning good looks) is her ability to be spontaneous. Katie is a cocktail waitress at an Atlantic City beach bar. That means her job is a party, she serves but she still gets to still hang out and dance and have fun with her friends. She's a professional partier! Now she's even hotter! She loves drinking white wine, values family, and loves to laugh. With a smile like that it's no wonder. I've got crooked ass teeth and I hate to smile, but I love to laugh so it makes me look like a lepper. She's a college student who has no idea what she'll do with her degree in Health Science that she'll earn in May, but enjoys the fact that she doesn't know. Katie's a party girl with a wildside. Basically she won't challenge you to a drinking contest, she'll just challenge you to keep up with her like Lionel Ritchie...all night loooong (all night). Sorry..I've been waiting for days to throw in a Lionel Ritchie comment. Also, Katie asked us to send you to a website...
http://www.cff.org/ . Katie lives with cystic fibrosis, which I'm not going to pretend to know about. But I will be donating towards her Charity walk. Just go to that site and donate to the charity walk. Search for the "Moyer Girls". Every penny goes a long way.

Tip of the Day
Q: What's your biggest pet peeve with men?
A: For a guy a pet peeve would be when we are out and he wonders away or is totally not paying attention to what is going on. It's like they are in their own little world and as soon as they see something neat they just wonder away, and don't tell you what or where they are going!! Atleast say "hey look at this." gezzz 
Again... please go to http://www.cff.org/ and make a donation for the charity walk. She's listed under the Moyer Girls.
Hey RainbowSpite, (besides not having an internet boyfriend like you) we help the community because we care. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing Katie roll around with another hottie in a bowlful of jello while Bill Cosby sings the Fat Albert theme song. A boy can dream, can't he??? Hey, Hey Hey!
omg you are the hottest chitty bang i've ever seen!!!
hi,i voted for you have a great weekend : )
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