Oh Dominique. The Smile....wow. Back to brunettes. I'm torn. This 19 year old hottie come to you from Drexel Hill, where she's a student and a Dental Hygenist. I'd be much happier about going to the dentist if the people there looked like her. My dental hygenist looks like a retired crack whore, who just recently picked up heroin. Dominique likes to stay drama free....dont we all. Her hyper, bubbly personality will definitely keep the conversation flowing all night. But don't be a downer, because this hottie only surrounds herself with positive energy. She can party too, boy. I'd love to see this hottie at a party getting crrrrrazy. It's the brown hair. I think brunettes are secretly wilder, because they have to compete with the whole Blondes have more fun thing. I personally look in the eyes, and the hips. The eyes tell alot, and the hips....well, that's an excuse to look at the ass, brother. Either way, both of Dominique's work for me! She was recommended to us by an anonymous fan, who's now shouting, "I'm Anonymous!" (Curb Your Enthusiasm fans got that) If you didn't get it, upgrade your cable package, yambag. It's time to roll with the big boys. Dominique also guarantees to tell it like it is. She's not gonna sugarcoat your lack of effort, or lack of personality. You'll know exactly where you stand when you try to show her the trick where you can lift your napkin off your lap with no hands....ehhhhh, the humor on this site just reach an all -time low.

Tip of the Day
Q: On a scale of 1-10, how important are looks and why? BE HONEST!!
A: ok...how important are looks...it depends on the situation....if a guy has an awesome down to earth personality than looks aren't all that import...don't get me wrong he can't be horrible lol....most of the time I don't even go for the ''hott guy'' ..cuz more than likely they r ass holes....
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