I still can't stop laughing from the half a high five. Man that bag o' douche is really hitting hard. Anyways, you guys are gonna love this one. So, what I can gather from this hottie is: hot, fun, in a web series called "Ninja Babes from Space." So, her and Mr. Miyagi have been putting in some serious QT (Quality Time..moron). She looks alot better in hats that I do...and did I mention she's HOT!!! I'll let her do some of the talking here.

SO about me: I am a working actress and a trained dancer. I love performing. I'm a huge EAGLES fan and I love just drinking some beer and watching good football. One of my favorite things to do is just be super silly with my friends and just go out and have a fun time! Currently I can be seen as Sky in "Ninja Babes From Space." Its a web series that can be viewed on www.atomfilms.com. Or you could just go to www.ninjababesfromspace.com for the all the ninja babe info. :)

Easiest ways to my heart: My advice is to just be yourself. Don't put on a fake act to impress me. Be a gentleman. I like when guys are super sweet and do little surprises here and there. I love funny guys and guys who don't take them too seriously. You have to like to dance and appreciate theatre and art, because that is a huge part of my life. Oh and guys who can get along with my friends...thats a big one
Tip of the Day:
Q: When I get a hotties phone number, how long do I wait to call?
A: I think the whole you have to wait so long to call rule is crap. If you like a girl you should call her as soon as you want. Because if the girl actually gave you her number, it means she's interested(she wouldn't have done it she wasn't) and she is probably waiting around to hear from you anyway. So just stop the games and go and call her already :)
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