
How about them Phillies, huh? You'da thought they won the World Series with that celebration last night. Check out the lovely Rae. Another referral from Miss Marnee. Rae a model and artist, but she still finds time to keep a full time 9-5, because she fully believes a woman should be able to support herself financially. YES! Maybe she can support me too. The way to this hotties heart is through her stomach. She loves to eat....and actually says that she eats like a football player. She must work out like one too, cause this hottie's body is smokin. rae also loves big dogs...ROOOF! So I guess my little puggle isn't gonna win this hottie over. Also, don't bitch. she hates whiny women, but thinks it's even worse to find a whiny man. Stand tall, fella. When your manly slab of steak comes out under cooked, don't bitch and moan, stand up and act like a man. Basically, just cry until they bring you a new one without spit in it. Marnee...thanks so much for this hottie. Rae, thanks so much for your tmie. Reader, thanks for reading. If you can't read and just look at the pictures, your a loser. Not like you'll know I'm calling you a loser. You can't read anyway, you illiterate bastards. Go watch Reading Rainbow and eat Cookie Crisps.

Tip of the Day
Q: On a scale f 1-10, how important are looks and why? BE HONEST!
A: On a scale of 1-10 I'd say the importance of looks would be a 5. Of course that's the first thing you notice but if you're attitude sucks than you turn ugly really fast. It doesn't hurt if you have a guy that looks nice but I'd rather someone who's sweet, caring, smart and can make me laugh to the point I have to tinkle. Oh yeah and fellas, just make sure your hygiene is up to par. The importance of that is a 10.

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