
YES! We've brought you a winner today. Many of you recognize Michelle from the Preston and Steve calender! This hottie sounds like a good time. Once again, I'm in love. Or as Atomic Bombshell would say..I'm in love with the idea of her. Well the idea of her spawns other ideas WITH her which are not available for public consumption. TOUCHE. Don't worry...9 out of 10 of you have those same ideas. The other 1 out of 10 is wondering where the gay equivalent to this site is. *HINT* It's not run by me It's run by Fumbles. Just kidding, Queenie! Michelle is a philly hottie to the max. She really took a lot of time to describe herself, and answer the question. Let's give her a round of applause. Yes, you have to use both hands. Perverts. Seriously, though, she sounds like a genuine fun person to hang around with. Never a dull moment. And if you can't laugh at your own jokes, why are you telling them in the first place?
Hottie, how did you get so hot?
My name is Michelle Laksh (the K is silent.. so just say Lash.. and Miss Laksh if ur nasty!) I get my dark sexy features from my momma, I am half Puerto Rican and i love my rice and beans! A lot of people recognize me from Preston and Steve, I am a P&S girl and Miss August 2008 in the Totally Office calendar! GADZOOKS! Im pretty outgoing and always up for anything! I love to tell jokes (even tho I am the only one who laughs at them, but thats what makes it fun!) I do some promotional modeling but besides that u will find me at home playing video games!! ( I brought back the N64 this week! no lie!) I also love CZW wrestling, never heard of them? check them out! I love making new friends and partying... so ... lets party!!!
Cue the Method Man *One love to all my Butter Pican Ricans* ...they are my kryptonite. How much fun does this girl sound like? I want a version for myself. If she can play Mario Kart while taking care of her munchies with Oreo cookies and cream ice cream, I think we're a match made in heaven. Or as they say in Puerto Rico....Heaven? I don't know. I failed spanish. But I learned the curse words. This is also one of those rare cases where I actually can't decide which pictures to use. There's soooooo many good ones. Sorry, just wanted to rub in the power that this website yields occassionally.

Tip of the Day
Q: Can long distance relationships work?
A: Do long distance relationships work...? I would say.. sorry but no! I mean, in order to have a LD relationship work you have to have major trust in each other. And although you might think you do, there will always be that thought in the back of your mind if ur partner is being faithful to you. These thoughts whether they are right or wrong will ruin your trust and make you insecure about the relationship you have. These feelings in the end will ruin your relationship. I dont think its impossible however to love someone far away or maybe even someone you met online who is far away, but in order to have a stress free and trusting relationship you need to be able to interact. Without the physical contact, this could drive someone to cheat, or like i said even someone to think the other is cheating.... your just looking at something that could turn into a disaster ..
-- *Michelle*

PS....whip cream bikini and underboob. teeehee
You can find her here at: http://www.myspace.com/meeshka511
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