When I think of lawyers, I think of tv shows like sark and Boston Legal. This girl is hotter than those girlss. I don't even know what to say about Kristen. She's far too hot to be on our site. I can't beleive we came across this many hot girls in one week. I'm gonna write a book. "How to talk to legal hotties" ....legal in the sense of lawyer. not over 18. Although that would be a good book too. I think the pictures speak for themselves. Kristens now in my top 5! Plus she'll be at our party on December 1st, so you better not miss your chance to hit on her/make a fool of yourself! The proposals are done...I'm like 0-12. At least I have more power than Wes Helms.

Tip of the Day
Q: Would you ever date a guy from the internet? (myspace, facebook, etc)
A: well i guess i would date a guy online, but it depends on the situation u know? i wouldnt just date any random guy, we'd need to talk for while. maybe have some phone conversations first.

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