Lauren Pappas

Oh My God. This is a hottie. Lauren is 22 years old and is originally from Doylestown, PA. I know Doylestown well, seeing as I've been there for court numerous times. Lauren is where it's at, son! Take a look. I don't even know if I should explain this hottie. No, in fact, I'll let her do it...then I'll throw in my two cents. Lauren...break em off a lil somethin proper ...(sorry. I woke up to Power 99 this morning)
I'm senior at Temple U., studying broadcast journalism. When I graduate I want to be a news anchor. I watch CNN religiously. I'm a certified personal trainer. I work at a gym in Center City. I love fitness! I exercise daily & eat healthy. I can do more chin-ups than most men. I'm extremely competitive. I'm a model & very passionate about it. I've have appeared on several websites & calendars. I'm currently acting in an independent film. It's a comedy, should be released by this spring. I love to perform & love the camera. I'm not shy be any means. I'm half Greek the rest Lithuanian, German & Irish. This summer I studied abroad in Italy & Greece. I have a good sense of humor. I'm outgoing, ambitious & determined.
Dude......really? Certified Personal Trainer = hot.... news anchor = hot. I hear there's an opening now that my personal favorite Alycia Lane got shitcanned for punching a cop and calling her a dyke. Nice Touch. I don't know if I like the fact that she can do more chin up than most men. I can't do more chin ups then most women, and I've already been sucker punched by a girl at a party once. That's a type of humiliation you can only endure once....(PS Never challenge a girl on the validity of her breast size, or imply that she's wearing chicken cutlets). But then again, that sucker puncher was a beast....not a top notch hottie like Lauren. Then again, Lauren's a trainer so she could easily whip you into not-getting-your-ass-kicked-by-a-girl shape. OK, I'm in. Where do I sign up? This one is definitely in my top 10...My top 5 is harder to penetrate than your mother on her anniversary, but Lauren still might be in there.

Tip of the Day
Q: What's your ideal first date?
A: My ideal first date would include dinner in an intimate, candle lit atmosphere. Conversation over a glass of wine. Desert is a must, if you want a second date with me:)After dinner a long walk around the city. Than maybe to cozy lounge or upscale bar for drinks.
First class all the way with this one. Worth the time and effort too, I'd have to say.

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