Miss Talia

I'm still drained from the ups and downs of last nights Phillies game. If you left early (KAAAAR), you missed a hell of an ending! In short, they won, and I'm exhausted. Onto our website news...don't forget that Wednesday we have our huge party in association with Johnny Knockout Ent, Hot Girl Dream Team, and Philly 2Nite! The parties at Cavanaughs Riverdeck, and it's a bikini and hardbody contest. Ladies sign up, Gentleman, do the same. Everyone: SHOW UP. Today we've got the lovely Talia. She's been a Playboy Golf Gal, been featured on numerous radio stations and print work, and has the type of body you only see in rap videos. GOOD rap videos. That means she's got curves, and she sure as hell ain't afraid to show em off (thank you!) Also, she's in a contest to be part of the StreetTrenz calender, so we're linking to it. VOTE FOR HER NOW, and help a hottie out. It's the least you can do. ( link is after the advice) ....Talia, break us off with some info about you.
My name is Talia Mazzetti and I am currently attending college at Penn State University. I have been modeling for almost two years, and have been featured in various calendars, commercials, and magazines. At the end of August I will be moving to Bethlehem, PA to start my new life. I enjoy working out, modeling, and watching sports, such as Penn State football and New York Yankees baseball.
Great writeup until I got to that last sentence. The Yankees, Talia? I mean, kudos for the PSU football...but the Yankees? Anywho, this college gal will soon be moving to Bethlehem, the tiny town next to Allentown. Best thing about Bethlehem...Erv's. Don't know it...look it up. Talia does enjoy watching sports though, which always helps the cause. I have a hottie sports test that goes into effect every time a hottie tries to tell me she can watch sports with the fellas. If she can correctly explain the infield fly rule, she's in. If not but she can explain other obscure sports rules....she gets a pass. Talia can get a pass either way, cause there's no way in hell I'd kick her out of my living room. She's got a pretty smile, a gorgeous body, and a personality that shines through the interwebs. She's looks friendly, and genuinely seems like an outgoing happy person. Now if we can get her to forget about A-Rod and Jeter for 20 minutes, you might have a shot. No, just kidding. You don't have a prayer, clown.

Tip of the Day
Q: Miss Talia, tell us guys the secret to a good relationship with their hotties!
A: Whenever in a relationship, honesty is always the best policy. If you get caught lying, your significant other will be very mad at you, and possibly not trust you anymore. But, even if you are not caught, the fear of being caught will make you paranoid. Besides, if you are dating someone you deserve it to them to be honest. 
A Note From Miss Talia
PLEASE vote every 3 hours for me to be in the STREETTRENZ 2009 CALENDAR! :)
I need you to PLEASE help me and VOTE for me for the STREETTRENZ 2009 CALENDAR.
Its very simple to vote! You don't need to sign up for anything, it only takes a second, and you can vote EVERY 3 HOURS, up through October 1st.
So please vote as often as possible, and please tell your friends! If you let me know you voted, I'll thank every one of you!
JUST GO TO: www.streetfriendz.com
*Under 'News/Announcements' on the home page - it says 'Welcome to the 2009 Calendar Search ..." Click on where it says 'CAST YOUR VOTE NOW' & refresh the page until you see my picture.Its that simple! Please help me, and let me know if you voted so I can thank you, please vote every 3 hours!
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