Katie Khaos

What a weekend! AC baby! I lost my pants, got propositioned by a black hooker (I said no) , and met a few of our lovely hotties, including one which I should have on the site sometime this week. I met the infamous Rack-O-Rama and partied til the sun came up. And I'll never go back because of the pain that amount of partying inflicts on my body. Today we've brought you the exotic Katie Khaos. This Jersey girl has it all goin for her. Good job, good education, and gorgeous ...we can;t ask for much more around here. It's that whole girl next door thing. That's my new "thing"...I've really been digging the cute girl who's unassumingly hot. Let's see what Katie Khaos has to say for herself!
I'm 21 years old, and from South Jersey. I attend Camden County College for nursing, and am beginning my training for the campus radio station 91.5 WDBK in September. I have my firefighter and EMT certifications, and I work a part-time retail job, and also do the accounts payable for a private New Jersey country club. In my free time, I enjoy fine dining, going to the bars for drinks & dancing, and watching football (EAGLES & LSU!)! =)
She's a firefighter and EMT...*insert your own mouth to mouth joke here, loser* Not only that but if she works at a private country club, and your dating her, does she sneak you on the golf course for a late night hole in one? (Arrrg I couldn't resist) I can just imagine her with that radio voice ..."This is Katie Khaos bringing you the jammin Oldies here on 91.5 W-Deeeeee-BK.
Katie's a true hottie though....and comin from The dirty Jerz, she still likes the Eagles so there's a definite plus. I don;t get the whole LSU thing, but we'll take it. Thanks again, Katie Khaos!

Tip of the Day
Q: Katie Khaos, what's the best first date you've ever been on and why?
A: The best first date I've ever been on was dinner at a nice restaurant. I think that the reason it went so well is because the man made such a great first impression, and because the date was simple, with no pressure. He showed up at my door (Yes, AT my door...not honking his horn from the curb, or calling my phone from out front!) in a dress shirt, and tie, which showed me that #1 I've finally found a man who knows how to dress and #2 He cared enough about the date to want to make a good impression. He picked a restaurant with great food, and a private atmosphere that made it easy to get to know each other. The conversation was so great that I didn't even realize that hours had passed! He was attentive, paid the bill, and open every door for me. He took the time to get to know me, and impressed me enough with our first date that I continue to see him now...nearly a year and a half later!

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