West Chester must have some pretty awesome water. Whatever's in it does a body good. Don't drink milk...drink West Chester's water. They should ship that crap all around the world, with just pictures of girls from West Chester on it. Honeysuckle comes from that lovely little college town, and there's definitely something that's done this body good. You're just wishing it was you. Blonde hair and blue eyed, this 23 year old hottie is definitely a girly girl.....Well, Honeysuckle, tell us what makes you ....ummm...you?
I am 23. I love to have fun and dance. I love to shop,tan, get my hair done,and my nails. I'm a girly girl. My favorite color is pink. My favorite club is Roxy/ bamboo on Delaware ave. I love the beach. I am a nanny, and I have my associates in business.
A nanny? A goddamn nanny? I'll admit when I was like 13, I had this smokin hot babysitter...Brooke. But it was a pain cause neighbors would randomly be dropping off tomatoes and shit, or wanting to go swimming...that's MY nanny! Honeysuckle I imagine gets all the attention in the neighborhood. And the family must be a couple of lesbians, because there's NO WAY in hell a wife would let this beauty run around the house all day. She's not only hot, but cute too. So it's not like she looks unapproachable or stuck up...she's just your hotter than average girl next door. Sprinkle in a touch of class and you've got a true Philly Hottie. I'll certainly be hitting up the Roxxy a little more often, hoping to catch a glimpse of this tan and toned hottie in her pink outfits. She apparently likes working out, too. Just look at those abs....Whew. Read on for today's top notch dating advice. And remember to use it next time your planning a date. these women are telling us what it takes to attract and impress the HOTTEST women in the Philly area. Don't slouch!
A: I want him to offer to pick me up. If I say no, at least the attempt was there. I like to know that he has spent time getting ready. The movies are a bad idea for a first date unless you don't want to talk to the other person. lol! I want to go somewhere fun. Six flag is a good idea. Open doors and be polite.

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