Meeee---Ouuuuch! Good morning, or shitty morning depending on how you look at it. Today we've got the 22 year old, Lauren. This hottie has a lot goin on for her. She's a preschool teacher, a waitress annnnnd a full time student with a double major in Elementary Education and Psychology. Because of this wild schedule, during the week, Lauren rarely gets out for a fun night out. That probably speaks highly of her discipline, since I'm sure she's not short on offers. Maybe just short on good offers. Apparently, she works at Hooters, so having a table full of 65 year old drunk bikers bein like, "Yo! Chickie, (braaaaaap) wanna ride my hog?" may not exactly push her out the door during the week. (ed. note: Dad, the Hooters in AC is too far for you to drive your Harley and yell at the "chickies") The weekends though... haha....different story completely. Our little demure hottie goes all out. She heads out to AC a lot with her girlfriends, and can be found partying the night away at the bars or clubs out there. It's almost summer time, fella. If you didn't start workin on that summer physique, you might as well get poppin. These hotties don' like 'em rough and tubby. It looks like Lauren spends some time keeping her fine ass in shape, so why can't you ? Laurens favorite hobby is shopping. UH-OH...good thing she's gonna have that large degree to fall back on! MAC makeup is her downfall. She's the fourth hottie in a month who's mentioned that to me. Ever need a gift for a girl...MAC Makeup instead of the Carraba's gift card your Aunt Sharon gave you. Seriously, look at the stomach on this gorgeous hottie! You think she really wants some second rate shit.

Tip of the Day
Q: What's your best piece of dating advice for all the single guys in Philly?
A: Don’t play games!! You may think that I have no idea where you’re coming from and who you are, but actually, the second I meet you- I can read you like a book. I get these vibes about people, and always seem to be right.On the other end of it- if you’re confident, smart, and funny- then you have my attention ; )

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