Nicole J

Ok, so the Sixers didn't really show up yesterday. Iguodala's lookin like a chump for not signing that 57 mill contract now! Oh well, to each his own. Today we're taking the advice of Craig Mack, and bringin new flavor in your ear. We've got the bangin Nicole J....the West Philly born and bred hottie. Nicole said she always wants to be a model, and from the looks of these pictures, she's right. I could picture this girl chillin next to John Mayer in his next video. Somebody make this girl famous!
Lets see, what makes me unique?? I would have to say the love I have for my biological father, I never met him because he died when I was a baby but I've always felt like a part of me was missing. Sometimes I wonder what he smelled like, Strange huh?? maybe for some but not for me. I'm a Dental Assistant, and I love to spend time with my family and friends. I love just stting around a big table with all of my loved ones and just pigging out on crabs and drinking corona's telling old stories. Their's nothing else too interesting about me accept the fact that I've wanted to model since I could remember, I just never had the support, you know.
Mmmmmm..Corona's and crabs. That's the perfect summer meal right there. I could probably sit there and just be a spectator on those long days of drinking and storytellin...there's never a dull moment in those. It reminds me of the Christmas that my cousins new boyfriend called my dads drink a "womans drink" my dad sat him down and made the newbie drink with him. Needless to say, my cousins boyfriend pissed his pants and couldn't speak as he left. Family always provides a good time....sometimes we underrate it. A lot of people don't realize that if you really can't treat your family right...then how can you treat a woman, or a man, right? Enough philosophizing for my ass today. I'll be at Chickie's if you need me.

Tip of the Day
Q: What's your very best piece of dating advice for all the single guys in Philly?
A: The best piece of dating advice I can give a man is to loosen up. the first date is always going to awkward so just try to be yourself, because women can always tell when men are putting on a front.

Uggggggly. Whoa idea was this?
Yes this girl is as beautiful as it gets... Great personality, perfect from head to toe!!
And I would know this I dated her for 5 years! Kudos to you babe! Good luck!
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