
My homeboy Pat Burrell yesterday...how about the 2 homeruns, huh? The campaign for Burrell for MVP has started folks. Jump on the bandwagon now. Anyway, here's the lovely Terese. A northeast girl with brains, beauty, and an amazing ability to rock! Terese is the lead singer for a cover band called "The Union". You can find out more about them, and hear more of them, at http://www.theunionrocks.com/. There's something truly hot about a woman who can control a crowd with the sound of her voice. It's just pure confidence and control on the mic. But not only is Terese a rockstar, but she's also a brainiac. "I'm also completing a Masters Degree in Education at Holy Family University and will pursue a PhD at Temple University"....wow. Dr. Terese. If your a doctor in something like education, o people still have to call you Doctor, and do you still get to wear scrubs and just pass it off, like "Dude, I'm a goddamn doctor, BackDaFucUp"? (nice little way of dropping an f-bomb, right? Thanks Onyx and Sticky Fingaz. Oh, and Q from Moesha) ..... The only thing Terese loses points for is wearing Wade Boggs cahmpionship ring. Imagine the damage Burrell could do with a championship ring. Let's get on that, Pat. Thanks Terese!!

Tip of the Day
Q: What's your single, best piece of dating advice for the single guys of Philly?
A: Be yourself. Girls don't want to be with someone who puts on a front. Sense of humor is big with me so let yourself be funny... but not a stand up comedian. Have your own life. Don't suddenly make her your be all - end all. Mystery and time apart are great things. Finally, always remember the small things. Big romantic gestures are wonderful, but if a guy remembers that I love Reese Pieces and gets them for me on his way over, that scores major points.

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