
What a weekend....Fun times at Black Bull Friday night. Now that the weather's warmer you've gotta make a trip in there. It's a fun spot that's just full of hot women, incuding a few hotties of the day! Today we've got the lovely, classy Holly. This 25 year old hottie works at Bangz, as a stylist, color something or other, and make up artist. So obviously, she's gonna look good with that kind of pedigree. Notice the style on Holly. She's definitely got a dramatic sense of fashion, so if your an ugly dude who happens to convince (Roofie, hypnotize, whatever your method) a hottie of this caliber to be friends with you, she can easily spruce you up and make you look like less of a dweeb. Let's let this beauty talk about herself for a minute, I need to go chug some Red Bull....
I'm a dreamer, always on time, sensitive but forgiving, independent, honest, loyal, classy, organized when I want to be, smart, artistic, funny, I constantly laugh out loud, friendly, detached, assertive, original, happy (even when I'm not), warm, tolerant, trend setting, free-spirited, sociable, devoted, unpredictable, unemotional, rebellious, temperamental, idealistic.
Here's a quick red bull-fueled summary....She's a HOTTIE! She dares to dream and be herself. Regardless of what you may think. Really just a down to earth hottie. Se parties at the G Lounge, which according to the owner of the place, ever Paris Hilton couldn't get into. It's an upscale bar for the upscale people. So you know Holly's pullin some serious weight. But that's not what makes her hot. It's the overall package. Blonde Hair, blue eyes, and a body that she must work hard to keep. That's what I love about any female who works in a salon atmosphere. Due to trendy, hot looking co-workers, each woman in there is forced to keep her best appearances up. Survival of the Hottest...it's my own take on Darwins theory. Holly's got the natural beauty...I think its the eyes, they light up a room. So take a gander, fellas, and really follow this hottie's advice.

Tip of the Day
Q: What's your very best piece of dating advice for all those single guys in Philly?
A: My best advice would be, when you see a girl you are attracted too, don't be intimidated, approach her. You could pass up a good thing and more importantly not all females are trashy, there are still few with class and self respect :) Once you found them, don't let them go. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Always remain lovers and friends and most of all tell her how you feel, we can't read your minds~!

Side Note about this weeks Atomic Bombshell's Anatomically Correct Dating Advice:
Ok, I see the whole point...she didn't get back to him. But she kissed him good night...said lets hang out again. How does this turn into the dude's fault? If you ladies aren't interested in seeing us again....don't tell us your interested in seeing us again. Common Effin Sense. The she returns a text with a smiley face....are we back in 7th grade? Can you also please send me the face that is slightly angry, yet wildly amused? Figure that one out, schizophrenic texter. It's very simple ladies...a lot of us aren't looking to decipher your DaVinci Code. If you tell us something, odds are we're going to hold you to it. Like I just told my brother I'm going with him to the Phils on Wednesday with him....so when he texts me should I not return the text if I don't wanna go?? No, I dropped that habit in 5th grade. Woman up and tell us your not into us. I'd rather hear that, than wonder if you are...oh maybe she's not..maybe she is...THAT'S a pain in my balls.
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