
Hey Philly I'm Justine. I am a student at Temple University, majoring in Public Relations. I am a die hard Philadelphia sports maniac!! Phillies, Eagles, Flyers, Sixers, I love em' all! When it comes to sports I love them as much as the guys. Which leads me to my next gig. I am a Phillies Ballgirl! This is my second year as a ballgirl and I love the organization and our team, but most importantly I love the awesome 16 other females that I get to share this great experience with. We get to be great role models and bring the role of females into baseball. So if you see us down the line at games you better not be afraid to come down say hi, and root for the Phils as loud as we do!! It has been one of the best experiences in my life and there's no place I'd rather be then on the baseball field. Besides that I am a very competitive person, I guess that's due to my love for sports. I am always up for a challenge. When I am not being a student or a ballgirl, I can be found hanging out around campus. I love rocking out to music, it is definitely a form of release for me. For fun I like to go to the beach, go shopping, see a good game, or just spend the night with good friends. Speaking of good friends, you might recognize one of my best friends, who is a major hottie, and a former Miss Monday, Jenny Rae!!! I get along with mostly anyone, and I am pretty outgoing, and up for a good time. So next time you see me on the field shout out my name or come down and say hi!!! If you want to check out my other fabulous ballgirls go to our link at http://philadelphia.phillies.mlb.com/phi/community/ballgirls/index.jsp or leave us a comment on our myspace http://www.myspace.com/philliesballgirls, or check out our blog http://philliesballgirls.mlblogs.com/!! GO PHILS!
WOW! What a beauty! The fact that she's friends with Jenny Rae (and that whole crew) makes her about 3 points hotter, but she's like a 9 already so the math doesn't work out. It's really nice to see these Phillies ballgirls take their responsibilities so seriously. These lovely ladies are positive role models for our community. Jenny Rae and Rachel, Dani Diamonds, and Genevieve were our hotties the first few weeks while we were trying to get up and running. They really helped us out when we had no hotties. Check out the Ballgirls myspace, and definitely say hello when you go to a game. Yeah , for once your allowed to be that guy.

Tip of the Day
Q: Justine, what's your very best piece of dating advice for the single guys in Philly?
A: Alright boys here's how I tell you your best chance for scoring one of my hot single ballgirl friends. Don't come off thinking you are God's gift to women. Yes, we may think your hot, but if you think your as hot or hotter than we think you are it's a complete turn off. It's good to be confident don't get me wrong, but walking around like you could get any girl in the building is not attractive! Have a sense of humor, joking with her breaks the ice and allows the both of you to open up. But again try not to be corny, that's when your sense of humor becomes annoying. Take control and plan a night for the two of you. A lot of times guys leave it up to girls to make all the plans, but if we see that you were really trying enough to take charge and plan a fun night for us, it makes us feel as if you are truly interested in showing us a good time. But most importantly if you like the girl act like it!!! Don't play hard to get or avoid calling for a few days because of the "rules". If you like her show her your interested by calling, asking her to dinner, or better yet taking her to a game!!! Good luck fellas!

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