Fallon Frost

This is top-notch hottie right here. Not a damn thing missing. I went speechless when the lovely Fallon Frost agreed to do this. Start at the bottom and work your way up, fellas. You'll end right around that smile that could light up a room. You KNOW when Fallon enters a club. The DJ's record skips...the whole room stops...and the crowd parts like the Red Sea. My computer's spellcheck is goin on the fritz cause I can't even type right, I'm just stuck on stupid lookin at the pictures. This 21 year old hottie comes to us from Jersey...but can always be found in the city dancin and havin a few drinks with friends. It's worth a over charge at ANY club to see Fallon dance. Wow, I think I have a new favorite. When Fallon puts her mind to doing something, odds are it's getting done. Nothin better than a go-getter. This girl might even be out of my buddy "Anonymous"'s league. Plus, she gave us some damn good advice. We've really been receiving great tips from these ladies this week, so I'd like to thank them. The only problem I had today was trying to type and not stare while deciding which 5 pictures to use. I seriously wanted to use about 40. No lie. There's that many pictures in which this girl is gorgeous. I'm shutting up, and for one day fellas, the hands above the desk rule is being banned. Do Work!

Tip of the Day
Q: What's your absolute best piece of dating advice for the single guys in Philly?
A: My best dating advice to guys is if your interested in a person, you should show your interested. Lately, i've been coming across guys who like to play games. On that subject you shouldn't feel awkwardabout calling/texting someone you like, you should show affection because you want to. If theres one thing i no girls love attention especially from the person their dating. So guys if your interested in a girl show them how special you think they are.
Fal-Gal, I won't play any games. I don't even like games. Scrabble's for sissies and Villanova grads. Thanks again for helpin us out. If your advice helps someone get a woman half as hot as you, we've done our jobs.

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