
Ah, the post labor day hangover...none better. It's a damn shame the Phils couldn't help me out with that issue either. Anyways, we bring you a real hottie, Rosemarie. She just will light your day up with her positivity. She enjoys the beach, but summer at the beach is over don't plan on seeing her until next year, sucka. In her own words, she has a "great job, great friends..what more can she ask for"....sounds like a winner, plus she's ridiculously hot :) Take it away for us Rosemarie
Hey there! My name is Rosemarie Grieco and I'm 26 years old. I work for Ben Sherman clothing and I'm an account executive for the men's comtemporary collection. It's very rare when someone can consider their day job a hobby as well. I really love what I do and the company I work for. I'm very fortunate to have such a rewarding career, great friends and supportive family. Oh and not to mention, great genes... :)lol I've spent most of my summer weekends at the beach. I love swimming and laying on the beach. It's probably the most relaxing and theraputic thing I can do for myself in order to unwind after a long week.
Based on what I've heard from others, I'd say the most unique aspect about myself is my silly personality. I'm always in a good mood, if not decent. I like to have fun and always look at the bright side. I might just be the most optomistic person I know. I also think Karma is huge and you get what you give out in some way, shape or form. Not for nothing, but who wants to hang out with a pesimist debbie downer anyway?

Tip of the Day
Q: Rosemarie, what's your best piece of dating advice for all those Philly guys out there?
A: When it comes to dating, the most important advice I can give a guy is one word "moderation". In life, moderation is key with anything. Why wouldn't it be important in the dating scene? I've dated a guy who tried to move way to fast and at the other end of the spectrum, a guy who moved way to slow. If you care about someone don't be afraid to take a chance but don't try and move in together within 5 months.
Quote of the day:
Just because you look good on paper doesn't mean your every girls dream guy. .
Quote of the day:
Just because you look good on paper doesn't mean your every girls dream guy. .

I'd fill my spice cabinet with some of that!!!
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