
Now this hottie has the right idea. She fled Philly a while back, but guess what? She saw that Philly needed her beauty in it's fine city and came charging back. With a vengeance. Just some quick site news: we'll be expanding in the near future. we're looking to head over to our new site, and we'll have more posts, more topics, and most importantly, we'll still have our hotties. We're even debating bringing in a guy hottie once in a while for all you hottie readers. I waned to take a minute to thank you all for your support in our site. Without you guys reading, this is just some random guys perverse thoughts. So let's hear more about this hottie, Marnie.
Hey Philly, my name is Marnie and I am 24 yrs old. I just moved back to the city after a failed 6 month move to DC. (I missed philly wayyyy to much). I consider myself out going, fun, and completely silly. I'm always the first one to laugh when I trip or fall down. (hey it happens) I am in the process of opening a new bar, BUCKHEAD SALOON! I will be bartending and doing event planning. In my free time I like to cook, hangout with my girls and my family. I am a huge EAGLES fan thanks to my father and love to watch all the games. Don't be afraid to come introduce yourself, I love to meet new people.
Buckhead Saloon, huh? I've been hearing a lot about this place, and if Marnie is the caliber of employee they have, then I may have found a new home Gooood bye, Big Heads, and all your new emo freak customers. I'll stick to the place where the hotties flow in faster than the alcohol flows out of the taps. Mmmmm beer and women. Marnie's got that natural beauty. With or without makeup, this hottie still can brighten a room with her smile (and a few rounds of beer, please). She's alsos responsible for event planning, not just the bartending, so we get to see this hottie's creative mind at work. She reminds me of that Anne Hathaway (spelling incorrect I'm sure) chick. The playful eyes, with the Crest white can you seriously resist that? Throw in the tight little package, and I'm smitten. Thank Marnie for helping to bring back a little class to the hotties on this site. She's definitely a woman who takes her business seriously, but can let loose once the work hours are done....well, if you're bartending sometimes you can even let loose during work! I'll definitely be dropping by Buckhead Saloon to see this hottie in action. Shots on ME!!!!Non literally on can suck em from my hairy belly. That's so gross. OH! And new advice today...What's your worst date??

Tip of the Day
Q: Marn-Dawg, what was your very worst date, and why?
A: My worst date would have to be about 8 months ago. He was totally hot and super sweet. He came right up to me in the bar I used to work at and introduced himself. It was refreshing because most guys are too shy and don't come up and say hi. He didnt give me a line or anything, which was nice. We went out for drinks and appetizers. 10 minutes into the date he was planning our entire life. The next 20 dates were planned off asking me what types of food I like. If I said Sushi, he would reply "oh we will go there sometime". His mom called during the date and he politely excused himself to take the call. He came back to tell me that his mom said hi to me. It didnt go much further then drinks because I suddenly "did not feel good".

Thanks GUYS for providing such a marvelous article, this type of article are rare to find in the Internet which touch the Heart and give a smile on the face. Once more thanks.
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