Ok, so she's the hot girl in your class, the hot girl at work, the hot bartender, and the hot girl at the gym. She's also a law and justice major, which woulda worked out well for me with my little Medford Lakes run-in and subsequent fine. So she's super smart on top of the looks, which makes this girl the perfect package. Honestly, if I could draw up my starter wife.....this would be her. Brains, beauty, style, passion and personality. Colombian women are known for their passion and their beauty, and Maria is certainly no exception.....so let's find out what makes this hottie tick.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Maria, Maria....You Remind Me Of A Westside Story
Ok, so she's the hot girl in your class, the hot girl at work, the hot bartender, and the hot girl at the gym. She's also a law and justice major, which woulda worked out well for me with my little Medford Lakes run-in and subsequent fine. So she's super smart on top of the looks, which makes this girl the perfect package. Honestly, if I could draw up my starter wife.....this would be her. Brains, beauty, style, passion and personality. Colombian women are known for their passion and their beauty, and Maria is certainly no exception.....so let's find out what makes this hottie tick.
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
11:08 AM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Your 2008 World Champion Philadelphia Phillies

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
10:43 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
G'day, Bloke. I Sure Do Fancy Your Hotties
Im 26 and i have an 8 year old son. As you can see form my pictures im petite with a nice backside.LOL. I currently live in England. Im working as a restraunt supervisor and waitress in a Hotel. I have been here since July and will be returning to Philly in the summer. Im originally from Philly I worked in Old City all last year at my favorite bar Nicks Roast Beef on 2nd. I love to travel and have been to alot places I lived in Budapest Hungary for two years and traveled to Italy and some other countries in that time as well. I love to swim and dance ,although im not a super dancer but when im drunk i like to think I am. I take an aerobics class once a week always something different. Last week was a dance aerobics class, its a fun way to work out. I currently started taking a ballet class which i enjoy alot. But no matter where i go I always come back to Philly I love Philadelphians there the best around.
As far as dating advice goes I would say be yourself and be honest. Im probably the last person to ask for dating advice Im living with my soon to be X Husband and I have a boyfriend waiting for me back in Philly. Who i just flew over to see last week and so we could go to th Rise Against concert together. Im always up for meeting new people and I love to go out to eat, so if the guy is nice and i mean nice plus easy to talk to ( of course the restaurant choice helps ) I usually say yes. I think if a guy likes a girl and has a plan before the awkwardness of conversation and he just goes for it the worst that can happen is she says no. Its not that serious.
See sounds like a lot to take in right? But this hotties awesome. She's even been to LegoLand in Englad and loves to travel. One question though....after Budapest and England, doesn't it suck to come back to the Jersey Shore??? One would think, but Tara thoroughly loooooves Phily. If you've never been to Nick's Roast Beef, get your ass down to Old City and eat that shit, son. It's awesome. Tara's not afraid to let loose and just be herself. Gorgeous, and fun. I'm lovin the legs on Tara, and the booty. Nice backside! Let's get onto the ever important advice...
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
11:05 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Nottie of the Day
Instead of hotties today, we will be discussing EZ Bake ovens and Barbie dolls. I'm just absolutely disgusted with Bud Selig right now. Let me explain.. I'll break it down in average economic terms....I got a World Series ticket...let's say it cost me 200 dollars, If I make 13 dollars an hour AFTER tax, that's 15 hours of work that game just cost me. Roughly 2 days of work. Add on to that the 3 hours I had to leave work early it's 36 more dollars. So as of now we're at 18 hours of work and 236 dollars this game has cost me. This is before I even touch the gravel parking lot. On the way down, we get a 12 pack. 13 dollars even, and that's one more hour of sweat and tears. On my way into the gorgeous stadium, I grab a Bubba Burger and order of fries and a Budweiser or whatever they re selling. 20 bucks, one and a half hours of work. During the game, I may drink 6 beers at 7 bucks a piece, and theres 42 dollars. 3 more hours of work. Oh, and it rained so I need a new Phillie's hat. 35 dollars. 3 hours of work. Did I mention parking...last nite my normal 10 dollar lot.....30 bucks...3 more hours. Fuck, and I tipped Tom, our usher 10 bucks for being awesome. 1 hour. Shit adds up, Budward Selig.
Total Tally for one game. It cost the average fan 27.5 hours of work at 13 dollars post tax = 357.50 for one game.
BUT WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! The jackoff Bud Selig wants to suspend the game...HOOORAY!!!
So noooooow, I have to get off of work AGAIN.....3 hours early....39 dollars. Pay for parking again....30 dollars, 3 hours. Fuck Tom the Usher this time, I'm on a budget. Another 12 pack. 1 hour, 13 bucks. 3 beers for the short game....21 bucks. 2 hours of work. Not too mention the 2 hours of work I'm going to spend TRYING TO GET OUT OF WORK. 26 bucks. And the three hours I get out early again.....39 bucks. And I'm stopping there.....I'm not even going to build onto this mountain.
Total Tally for a 2 day World Series Game....41 hours @ 13 bucks an hour (post tax) = $533 even. Time and Money.....How about we make the millionaires play the game in a weeee widdle bit of rain. Sure the field was a mess...but how else would we do it? This shit can't be perfect. I PAID to be there....remember that Bud. We, as fans, pay our hard earned money to watch this beautiful game. How dare you make us come back another day, unless you personally plan to foot the bill. We've waited out games until 4:10 in the morning, you pompous old ass. I'm sorry if your Bridge Club might miss a few innings once their Lunesta kicks in, but ITS NOT ABOUT YOU...it's about us. The diehards who waited our whole lives for that moment....We bleed Red and spit Green. We've risked our jobs and our lives for this playoff run alone. Add that over 25 years and there's alot of blood and sweat in that time. To put this game off one more night is a travesty. You've made the game a fucking joke. I don't want a 5 inning win. I wanna sit in the rain, watching the players slide across the tarp....I wanna go to McFaddens, get piss wasted and arm wrestle strangers until I hear that there's 20 more minutes til we step on the field. This is the beauty of the game, Bud. I want to have rain pelted on top of me as we win the World Series, and create a moment that will be remembered forever. Baseball bridges the gap between generations....and you took it from us, Bud. Now the memory I have is going to the park and having to go back the next day if I can even get out of work. Thanks, pal. Glad to see this whole commissioner thing hasn't taken out the fan in you. Imagine this story, 20 years from now....it was pouring rain. Each drop stung as it pelted our heads, but we all hung in there. 46,000 of us stood and cheered in a monsoon as the Phillies won the World Series. Chills....
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
8:43 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ya Gotta Believe!

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
10:16 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Atomic Bombshell's Anatomically Correct Dating Advice
Dear Atomic Bombshell,
I went out with this girl last weekend. We had the best time. We just seemed to be on the same page with everything. At the end of our date, we even sat in the car for another hour, just talking. Everything seemed perfect. I really felt that she was into me. In fact, she kissed me first to say good night. She said she really wanted to see me again in the next few days. She was going home to visit her family but she would call me when she got back. So I just sent her a text the next day to tell her I hope she has a nice time with her family. She didn't respond at all which was no big deal. Then 2 days went by and I got a text saying she will be really busy with school for the next week. She will call me soon. I don't get what happened??? She couldn't wait to see me and we made plans. We had a great time, I thought we really connected. What happened? What do you think I should do next? I only text her maybe twice since?
-Need a Clue
Dear "Need a Clue,"
I say back off. She obviously is very confused. She has other priorities and if she is busting out the "I have a lot going on with school" on you already, then I would start taking some eggs out of that basket. Some people are truly sincere in the moment, but given time to process the situation, they sometimes take the easy road out. I have know plenty of girls who bug out like that. It's unfortunate, but not everyone is like you or I. I think if you back off, she'll come back around again. I still wouldn't look at it as anything more than this for a while. Don't sit around and wait for this girl. DATE!! One great date, doesn't a relationship a make! Keep on, keepin' on! Best of luck to you!
Atomic Bombshell
Do you have questions or comments about sex or dating? I want to hear all about it. Email me at AtomicXBombshell@yahoo.com
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
12:03 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Visit MicheleKarmin.com and GreenFansTheMovie.c

I'm not even gonna speak about Jimmy Rollins and the Phillies today. Their recent play isn't even deserving of space on this website. We're gonna get right into business and talk hotties. And by hotties I'm talking about the Philadelphia singing sensation and Green Fans Calender Covergirl, Michele Karmin. As I spoke about the other day, this Green Fans The Movie is a whole look at the life of Eagles fans in Philly and worldwide. In order to promote the movies, these savvy businessmen just released a calender.....and we're wise enough to put Michele smack dab on the cover! I had the chance to meet this beauty the other night, and I completely missed it. Didn't even realize she was the cover girl til I left. I mean, how cool would I look standing in front of the table...calender open like a playboy centerfold...nodding my head as I match the hottie from the calender to the face in front of me?
Not only is Michele a model, but she's also Philly's next big singing sensation. She's about to release her new album entitled "This Is The Story" so when that shit drops, you better pick it up. Her website is in the works but for now, check out her myspace HERE! (REAL LINK, TRICKS) We've been fortunate this week. We've really got some beautiful, naturally pretty women on our site. And Michele finishes the week off just right, so let's hear what this hotties all aboot!
Photo by James A. Ruggerio

Q: What traits does your boyfriend have that make him a keeper?
A: Well, to start out, its very hard to stay mad at him. If and when i get into my little fits (aka moodiness, pms, or just plain cranky) he finds ways to make me laugh at the situation, and turns it around so that I cant be mad at him anymore even if i tried.
He supports what I do, and trusts me. He surprises me with things like shoulder rubs, flowers, and occasionally my favorite breakfast in bed - and his crazy surprise dance moves.
I think the most important thing between us is that it always seems brand new. Doing little things to make a girl smile goes a long way, but its also important you dont over do it. Then we just get spoiled ;)
Seriously though...for my outgoing note for the week, I'd like to get serious for a moment. We would like to thank all the hotties we've had past and present. I know this may not be a big thing to most of them, and I want to let all of them know that we really appreciate what they've done for us. A little bit of their time can go a long way. So thank you again for all your help.

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
10:05 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
1 Down, 3 To Go! Keep Phightin!

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
8:20 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Dickie V....You're Goin Down, Baby With A Capital D!!

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
10:19 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
This Is All The Same Hottie...Cool, Huh?

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
8:24 AM
Monday, October 20, 2008
Must Love Dogs.....And Country

Bring on Tampa Bay, baby! The Rookie Rays are primed for a classic meltdown. They've been playing above their ability all season and hopefully the pressure busts their pipes. If Howard or any one of our four sluggers gets hot, this series could end quickly. If they get cold, this series can also end pretty quickly. So the nerves are kicking into full gear here. Either way, at the end of this we'll all probably shed a few tears. To brace yourself for the man tears, we've brought on Annie. this Philly Hotties has a great look to her. She's classy, sophisticated, and seems pretty well rounded. I like the overall girl next door look with Annie. A beautiful smile and a sense of style sure can go a long way in winning over the hearts of a city. Let's hear a little bit about what makes Annie stand out in a crowd.
What I do for fun is take my dogs for walks on the weekends, shop, I LOVE fashion but yet I have a whole other side to me, I would put my waders on and go fishing any time of the day! I work two jobs- full time in a Dr's office and part time at a dentist office. I love lounging around, just being low key, reading and especially cooking!
Waders? Annie seems to have a very Sex and the City look, but then she's tossin on waders, and reveals she's just a down home country girl who doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. Good thing, cause I'd need her to bait my hook. Worms freak me out, man. This down home girl also has a hankering for some Country Music. Yeeee-haww. Blast on some Tim McGraw, let the dogs run wild in the fields, and let's go fishin'! I'll admit that I love country music. All of it. No lie. I grew up listening to that ish as a kid, and it stuck. I just hope that Annie refuses to line dance to Achy Breaky Heart. That song just about ruined everything good about country music for me. But then again, when we've got a hottie who looks like this, we as men, are generally willing to do just about anything to impress them. And I'm sure that I am not the only one who;s gonna strap on some cowboy boots and grill up some catfish for a shot at this hottie.

A: The best first date I have been on was with my first love Jason. We were gonna play paintball, but the weather was bad so we just had a late lunch and then played beer pong for hours. It felt like I was just hanging around with my best friend. No worries. Just enjoying each others company!
Beer pong as s first date...thats genius!

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
10:19 AM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Atomic Bombshell's Anatomically Correct Dating Advice
This week, another amazing article sent in by a reader! This is a HOT TOPIC that we should all pay attention too! Personally, I feel that all the email/texting/IM'ing is too impersonal for dating. I guess if you are going to go that route, this is the way to go?!
Research suggests that when you select your name it's okay to be clever, but avoid being cute. Easier said than done, admittedly, but just keep in mind that you want to come off like a grown up, not like someone who's already speaking in cuddly baby talk before you've gone on your first date. Likewise, you want to highlight your best attributes even when being clever. So if you're 35 and you still live at home with your parents (even if it's for a perfectly valid reason) you most likely don't want the username "onthegravytrain." Go for something that accentuates your selling points instead.
Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
12:12 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dad, I Think My Hotties Gone Crazy!

So do we want the Rays??? The Sawks??? I'd like the Sawks just so we could kick the ass of anything Boston, and make all those Massholes weep into their lah-gah beers. How you like them apples?? Today we've got a hottie fo' that ass. Look at the body on this one...she can hold a cup between her boobies.....and to top it off, she's either slightly crazy or extremely sarcastic. AND she's gorgeous. Stunning actually. Either way, I got this email and just about lost my shit. It's ridiculously out of control, and I loved every second of it....It's Friday, I'm at my job hungover for the first time, and no amount of Red Bull or Amp can fix me today. So let's get on to the poetic styling of Ash (dims lights, starts beatnik music)
Well where do I start..boxed wine, trannys, mexican dishwashers, internet dating, keeping my peoples teeth clean, saving lives, I like to turn up my music loud in my car and pretend I am a drug lord. I enjoy cotton blend undergarments, cooking AND light-house cleaning. You can find me looking scandalous at THE ROXXY on Saturdays where I sell shots to my homies. Took some time off of school, but look forward to returning this spring semester for Public relations.
Boxed Wine, and trannys, and undies, OH MY! I like mexican dishwashers too, I used to be one. This is the absolute best description of anyone I've ever received. Lighthouse cleaning seems like such fun! Can you do it drunk, and what if your afraid of heights? And the drug lord thing....not really surprising. I mean, who doesn't imagine their a drug lord sometimes? It's just so weird to hear this shit comin from this girl. I mean she's hot and she looks classy, then the first thing she utters is tranny. Threw me for a complete loop. Ash has great boobs too. Like outstanding.... tough enough to carry a beer between 'em, and perky enough to piss off the old ladies at the bar. And she'll cook you lobster even though she's allergic to it herself. That's the sign of a good woman. Really, I'm floored by this hottie. Ok, I gotta go get some GD advil. My head is pounding, and the thought of a tranny just made me queasy.... imagine going downtown and what pops up? Penis. It's a penis. That's when the fight or flight response kicks in. But is hitting a tranny like hitting a woman? I have so many questions.....

Q: Ash, how can I effectively approach a hottie (without an adams apple)??
Eh: My advice for a guy for how to approach a hottie starts with confidence! If you see a girl alone at the bar even if you think shes out of your league, give it a shot anyways odds are she doesnt want to stand there by herself! Also a sense of humor and a Mercedes helps
Dick. I was golden til the Mercedes thing.

Posted by
Rob B. Fresh
10:34 AM