
Can you taste it, yet? With the thrill of victory right at our fingertips, we're so close to seeing something many of us have never been witness to. And I have the luck of the draw to be sitting at tonite's game as Hollywood Hamels steps on the Tug McGraw sprinkled mound. My heart and mind are racing even though it's only 10 am. I'm ready...millions of us, are ready. This is our time, our year, and our moment. We've dreamed of this our whole lives and have come oh so close to tasting the fruits of a championship...but never have we actually experienced the joy. It's at our doorstep now...pounding on our door just waiting for someone to let it in. Who's gonna turn that knob? Will Burrell step up? Will Howard or Hollywood answer the call? We can only wait now...but there's about 10 hours left until we get an opportunity to answer that door. So let's go. Get up, get out and let's do this shit. I'll be at the game, drunk and stumbling and hopefully by the end I'll be crying mantears of joy. Tugger will be lookin down rallying us on, and hopefully tomorrow this post has a conclusion.
Bucks County brings us some of the finer things in, rolling valleys and hotties. Gorgeous hotties. Brielle ain't no different. This 19 year old hottie comes to us from Warrington and currently attends Bucks County Community College...wait wha? I've never seen talent like this strolling the rolling hills of Bucks County. I mean, there's some talent wandering around the frozen tundra of a campus, but I'm gonna be on the lookout for this cutie. That vibrant smile is hard to miss. And attaching a tight little body to that smile never hurts to help be recognized either. Brielle is part girl next door, part gangster, and all hottie. Blonde hair and brown eyes, she spends her time working for clubs promoting parties....and she even likes to go fishing (THATS 2 IN ONE WEEK! Time to look into a new hobbie!) And she also likes video games. So what your saying Brielle, is that your possibly the perfect woman? If you can beat my ass in Madden, I'll concur. I think every hottie should have this exact body. Just wow. We switched up the advice this week...instead of finding out what girls expect from us, I'd like to see what they are willing to do for us..and Brielle certainly doesn't disappoint

Tip of the Day
Q: Brielle, if you had to take a guy on a date, and you were responsible for planning the whole thing...what would ur date be?
A: if I had to take a guy on date and it was my responsibility to set it up.....I would take him out to dinner, somewhere nice but not over the top, like Red Lobster , or Texas road house, and then after take him to ultrazone to play lazor tag. I love to eat and i love playing lazor tag its very fun and competitive. 

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