
Whatta game...for us to basically hit that poorly and still came away with a game 1 victory is a good sign. Cole stuck around and gave us an amazing performance, followed up by an oh so shaky ninth for B. Lidge. Now it's on to C.C. tonite....rut, roh Shaggy. But let's talk about what we came here for shall we? In honor of our national pastime, I'd like to quote Lou Gehrig, and say "Today (-ay,-ay), I consider myself, the luckiest man on the face of the Earth." Ok, that's overdoing it a little bit, but seriously, look at AmyCakes. She's stunning. This petite little Jersey girl kinda reminds me of Kendra, Hef's and Hank Baskett's girl, but sprinkle in a little grace and charm. There's a new measure to hotness, and it's not the casting couch anymore, it's the self picture. And when a woman can look this gorgeous when she's driving(!) then the sky is the limit, fella. Let's hear what Amy has to say about herself....
My name is Amy I am 26 years old from Bayonne, NJ. I currently work in merchandising and I also manage 2 promotional modeling agencies in NYC and NJ. I also model at special events in NYC, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and Miami. I will be going back to school to pursue my master's degree in International Business at Fordham University in Spring 2009. I love traveling, shopping, and going out with my best friends. that is a full schedule. At 26 years old this hottie has more jobs right now than some people have in a lifetime. Add to it that she's going to school to pursue her masters, and I think we might have a SuperHottie on our hands. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and manages a modeling agency. Just wow. Beauty and brains is a lethal combination. You know you must be hot when people from Vegas are trying to get their hands on you for modeling assignments. Plus, just think, with all those jobs, there's more time for you to lounge around and be lazy (what? that's not attractive? it's all adding up now) I really have nothing to say about this beauty. I'm knocked speechless. Lucky you.

Just The Tip of the Day
Q: AmyCakes, what's your biggest turn on in a guy?
A: My biggest turn on in a guy is education and class, I love nothing more than a mature man that knows how to take care of his girl! I also love a man who works out and takes good care of himself..its sexy to see a man that can tell class from trash and only wants the best for himself. It's a turn on when a guy is motivated and always trying to make his future better, because life is all about progress!

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