Nicki C

Ok, I've been getting all over the Philly girls all week for not representing. So I compromised, and picked a hottie who was born in North Jersey (the land of mobsters, and Bon Jovi haircuts), but migrated to Lasalle University. This girl is goddamn smokin. I'm in love with brunettes. Look at the beautiful smile...Nicki's Colombian and Italian. Throw some hot sauce on there, and she's an even tastier treat. It's been my experience that hot sauce goes with anything. This girl might have enough spice where I can pass up the hot sauce. Let's see...where to start..she's cultured. Nicki C is an artist, and her art is painting and drawing. Yes, yambag, there's more to art than painting and drawing. I mean, look at rap music! She also took....wait for it...belly dancing lessons. YES!! That's the perfect Hottie Hobbie! I'll be trying to persuade Nicki to hold belly dancing classes to all of our hotties for a minimal fee, with minimal nudity. And hottie can shop too! Hopefully it's not on my dime, cause basically that's all I got. She'd be getting a tootsie roll. That's not a phallic comment. Just all I can afford. I'd probably rob a bank to take this hottie out. She loves to eat so I'd impress her by taking her somewhere nice. I can't believe that a hottie like this lists eating as one of her hobbies. The body is siiiiiick. Her advice is simple and to the point. Take it. Apparently, we've all got a little more working out to do.

Tip of the Day
Q: What's type of body do you prefer on a guy?
A: Let's see....i like big guys, tall,built

Fumbles Sulligan...your out. Your tall, but lumpy and awkward do NOT count as built.

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