Erica Jade

Well, Christmas is over and it's time to focus on where I'm stinkin drinkin' on NYE. In the meantime, we've got the 25 year old hottie, Erica Jade. She was a marketing major at Drexel University...and now she models on the side. I'm sick of holidays, man. I spend waaaay to much money on stuff that will have no value in a month. If someone shows me anothere webken or goddamn Beanie Baby, I'm gonna shit my pants. I absolutely hate the fact that I now have to be nice just this week, because it's December. Screw that. I'll be a miserable SOB as long as I want ...and you'll like it. Any-hooo, Erica is also a dancer. What I love about dancers is that they are always in tip top shape. No freshman 20...they dance that shit right off! Hooooooooot. Anyway, I need to go back and stumble into my miserable corner of the world, run to the mall and return shit (which will make me more bitter), and then I'm getting back to a normal, not binge drinking routine. Bah Humbug!

Tip of the Day
Q: Although it's probably the hardest part, how should a guy approach you for a date?
A: I would say guys should just be honest and be themselves when approaching a girl. You can't take it personaly if a girl shoots you down you never know what kind of day she had.

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