Kourtney Lee

It's Official! I've got a new favorite. I realize I'm supposed to be impartial..kinda like your parents. But here's the bad news, they really like your sibling better. Sorry. Anyway, Kourtney Lee...wow. When I received an e-mail saying she'd be our hottie of the day, I cried tears of joy. It felt like I was watching the end of Bambi all over again. This 21 year old hottie looks like Pam Anderson and Jessica Simpson fulfilled your wildest fantasy (no, not playing Yahtzee while braiding eachothers hair...the other one), and this is their love child. I don't even know what I like best...face, body, legs, personality? Where to start...where to end? She likes to make people laugh, which is a bonus, because we've all seen what happens when girlfriends don't have senses of humor. Right, Mike? I need a moment. Kourtney Lee, what can you tell these freaks about yourself?
About me? Im Kourtney with a K damnit. I am very outgoing, and very laid back as well. I am a small town country girl, with big goals and a big heart. I love to dance to techno and trance music. I am very fun to be around, and can make even the most unhappy person smile. I am very witty, and I joke around maybe a little to much. I am very much into sports, mostly ice hockey. Go Flyers! I model full time and work at a club as a shot girl, while going to school part time for communications degree so i can be a personality on the radio. My biggest goal would to be on The Real World!
Really though...she might be my favorite hottie ever! Student/model/sports fan/comedian....that's alot of hats to wear. Luckily, she looks good in hats. I've said I'm done, and I've traveled the road less taken or whatever....but I'm proposing. This girl's perfect for me. I mean, I've got nothing to offer....she's got the looks. We can live off those til we're like 30ish, then I'll pursue a career in rock and roll, I'll hit it big and we live happy ever after. Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee style. Oh shit...bad analogy. Pam and Kid Rock.... hmmm..I got it. Pam Anderson and Rick Soloman..til theyre old and grey. At least she got me interested in hockey again. Seriously, if she said yes, I'd probably not follow through with it....but I'd definitely propose. Kourtney Lee.....Marry Me?!

Tip of the Day
Q: Is there a such thing as a guy best friend? Or is that just trouble waiting to happen?
A: yes there is such a thing as a girl having a best guy friend. Sometimes that is easier than having a girl as a friend. You need to have guy friends in your life. Sometimes though it can suck, because people can think that you are together with them. So, if you want to "find" boys, I wouldnt exactly go out with them to find one. HA they can be overprotecting, and a cock block.
Be sure to visit Kourtney Lee at www.KourtneyLee.com
I've been there like 5 times already today. Also add her modeling myspace http://www.myspace.com/bombshellhottie
I thought we'd been over this before...but remember not to douche bag her out. Don't verbally molest our hotties so that they never wanna come back!
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