
The first thing you notice about Jackie is ..... her lips. wink wink. Jackie comes to us from Philly and is a career model and bartender. Jackie was a Budweiser model and Hawaiian Tropic model, before everyone was a Bud girl and a Hawaiian Tropic girl. FHM voted her as the nations hottest bartender, but when they found out she was voted by Playboy as the hottest 200 myspace girls they nixed the vote. That's pure BS. Does that not make her as hot of a bartender. That's like telling me I'm the nation's ugliest blogger, then being like...oh you modeled crocs, Ixnay the Loggerbay. Pig Latin always comes in handy when your strgulling to write. FYI, I'd never model crocs. I'd never even wear them. Although I am the nations ugliest blogger. She's been asked to popse for Playboy several times in the lingerie editions, but she's still unsure of whether or not to do it. DO IT! I say you came into the world naked, don;t be ashamed of nudeness. It's tastefully done! Those are my lines to see her naked, in person I stick with the old, "I'll show you mine...". Seriously, I'd buy it. Jackie's really a cool chick...and she helped to stand up and represent Phillly. We're still dealing with some backlash after being voted nations ugliest city. Here's proof that we're not! I think I prove that everyday, but some people tend to disagree. It's GLAAD. They never agree with me on anything. I support Lesbianism, you could at least support our hotties!

Tip of the Day
Q: If you had one piece of advice to give to guys, what would it be?
A: Be honest and real. What I mean is you start seeing a new person. Why would you act like a different person the first 3 months and then change after that. Its ridiculous. Stop trying to impress. Just be yourself. There is nothing that a female hates more then someone who is fake. I mean you guys don't want to date fake chick. Why would we chicks want to date a fake guy? There is nothing better then a guy who as you get to know them stays the same. And you completely dig them more for being themselves.

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