
This hottie originially comes to us from Dillsburg, PA. Luckily, she's moved to West Chester where she's currently a marketing major. Imagine growing up in Dillsburg....think that town's named after someone. Tommy Dillsburg? Amy is 22 years old and is a marketing major. She'll be graduating in December and then heading out into the real world. Ahhh, after some research, I've come to find that it's named after Matthew Dill, and one of the biggest draws is the New Years Eve Pickle Drop, and the pickle fair. Oh Amy, I'm not even gonna touch the pickle drop jokes here. Literally, I could keep going with them until you graduate. I have finally found a town that is more hick/white trash than Bloomsburg, where the Monster Truck Rally and Def Leppard concerts rule all. Amy also likes to get dressed up and hang out with her girls, and go out for a night on the town. She also loves to laugh, which is great cause she's got a beautiful smile. Oh and if your taking her out....go with sushi. She loves sushi. Not Genuardi's sushi. Step you game up, fella, this girls hot. Amy adds a little much needed class to this site.

Tip of the day
Q: When your not at a bar, and just out and about, what's the best way to approach you?
A: The best way to approach a girl not in a bar setting is to always be confident and genuine and never say anything cheesy, just be yourself.

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