
Oh my god. Oh my god. What an absolute beauty we've got today. A true Philly Hottie. She represents everything Philly. This South Philly Italian girl would have been the original Adrianne from Rocky if she was born when the original came out. Imagine Rocky yelling, "Yo, Noelle!" Not quite the same ring, but Noelle beats Adrianne's ass. This is seriously one of Phill'ys sexiest women. When they did the report about Philly being the ugliest city, they must have neglected to interview Noelle. I can't speak, I'm flustered....take a look, and let's have Noelle knock it out of the park for us.
My name is Noelle and I am an Italian girl from South Philly. I work as a Marketing Director for The Bourse Mall and Kaiserman Management Properties, which include tenants such as Budakan, Star Restaraunt Organization, KYW, WYSP, and many more. I went to LaSalle University and I majored in Digital Art and Multimedia Design with a concentration in Marketing. I love to paint and draw and Im actually pretty good at it but I dont have much time for it because I also bartend on the side. Ive bartended for years at places like McFaddens, 32 degrees in AC, Mission Grill, Lucky Strikes and the list goes on. I just love it and fill in whenever. I have one sister, Danielle, who is a little younger than me but awesome. We like to chill in together and drink wine, eat chinese and watch movies..haha. I have a handsome son named Diesel..he's a Puggle! haha no real kids for me :) And I have a bunch of awesome hot girlfriends. we travel every year and party like crazy. Vegas, New York, LA, wherever! You only live it up! I dont know what id do with out them. And I have the coolest sexiest boyfriend in the world. haha. We have a really cool connection. We communicate well which is really important.
My biggest obsession would probably be my body. I am a gym freak and have to be there at least 4-5 times a week or Im a cranky lil girl. haha. I go to Bodybuilding and Fitness Competetions with my boyfriend all of the time..We are going to Miami next week for Universe weekend. Nothin better than a bunch of tight bodies at the beach at one time. I also just helped develop www. flawlessfitnessandnutrition. com Its a website where people can request personal training sessions or complete nutrition plans to help them reach their goals. Its pretty awesome and so personal its great.
I love girls who work out like maniacs. The only problem is they expect you to look your best all the time too. I mean, I work out, but I'll skip a day here or there depending on my drinking schedule. But the bonus to having the workout freak girlfriend is that she will always look 5 -10 years younger than she is. And she'll be freakishly flexible. Noelle's also got a puggle...(collective awwww's) which means I mighta found a little boyfriend for my girl puggle (yeah, you can laugh that I have a puggle, but reserve judgement til you watch the reaction at the park). Between the beauty, brains, and fitness regimen, we're gonna be hard pressed to top a hottie like this. Kinda sucks on my part, I just set the bar like 3 notches higher, and now I'm gonna have to live up to that. That's why I always sell myself short to women I meet....then they don't expect that much from me, and when I step it up, they're impressed. For a hottie like Noelle though, you gotta go in guns blazin...bring your A game or go home. And don't being your game around when her boyfriends near. He's goddamn huge, and I don't think he'd hesitate to beat your ass over Noelle. Read her advice too, she drank a cup of coffee and just started typing, and the end result is some awesome dating advice from one of Philly's sexiest women.

Tip of the Day
Q: Noelle, What's a shy guy gotta do to impress a woman of your caliber?
A: Just go for it! If there is one thing that girls love its an aggressive, confident guy. Ive meet many shy guys who I still consider great friends but I never looked at them as any more than that because their insecurity made them less appealing physically. Have you ever seen a gorgeous girl with a guy that was totally busted and wonder "what is she doing with him?!" Well, the answer is simple. He exudes confidence and makes her feel good. Most of those guys are funny and talkative. Im not saying that they rush right in and ask the girl out. They probably start with conversation and jokes and say nothing at all about hooking up Then the girl wonders why he hasnt. He can talk about other girls and talk about good things about himself and just let the girl enjoy his company. (he should definitely compliment her though :). Then after his cool act and getting to know her a little more he can ask her out and she will probably say yes. I know no one like to play games but sometimes its a must. If you see a hot girl out at a club you can def approach her but dont use a crazy pick up line. Just make a funny comment about something and then keep it short and walk away or buy her a drink. Then strike up convo again and be cool and nice without being creepy.haha!. Just remember..if your the great guy you know you are then no matter how cute you think she is..she's the lucky girl to get a chance to be with you. :) GOod Luck-

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