
*Cough..Cough* Ehhh, my sickness arrives just in time for St. Patty's Day. Luckily for me, our 20 year old, Philly Hottie, Shorty, is studying at Temple to become a nurse. Come take care of me, Shorty. I hate this time of year just for the fact that the weather is so unpredicatable...they give me a taste of spring and then snatch it away.....much like a pedophile with a lollipop. Plus, the better the weather, the more chance I have of seeing Shorty runnin around town...Running is the wrong word. Racing her streetbike is what I mean. This hottie can handle a little steel between her legs...she's got her own bike. And it's hot. She's also a promotional model for Roaring Lion Energy Drink and This is our third Stunt Steel hottie. The lovely Sabrina and Jen Lee Doll also work for this company. Apparently StuntSteel has some pretty good taste. Along with fast bikes, Shorty likes fast I'm guessing my Jeep automatically puts me out of the running. A hottie with a need for speed. It's like a real life Fast and Furious....with her and her Bike being the Fast ....combined with whatever your furiously doing under your desk. You sick, sick freak. Keep and eye out for Shorty at Bike and Car shows this summer. Her being there is enough to warrant my attendance. I love the smile on this girl. Shorty, you's a ten (Ey) A TEN! So anyways, Shorty, when I'm old a grey(ER) will you still take care of me when I'm pissing into a pan??

Tip of the Day
A: if you want a girl to be interested in you, don't try to be something you are not! if you approach a girl and you are being yourself then if you don't win her over its her problem because if you are a nice guy and just let your real self come out you won't have any issues dating. Also, don't try to hard to impress her...just let things happen! 

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