Miss Day

Oh man do we have a treat for you today. First off Phils won...and Blanton lost 5 lbs (he should join Jared and eat those half-assed Subway things they call hoagies). Anyways, Miss Day is a good friend of yesterday's hottie. To meet these girls out together at a bar or anywhere... I'd probably end up wetting myself in front of them just like you used to do when you drank too many Miller Chills and forget to take a leak before you went to bed. The combination of these 2 girls makes me speechless. Miss Day is currently attending the Art Institute of Philadelphia, majoring in Fashion Marketing. Yeah, think she has that one covered. She is also doing a bit of work as a model, journalist, and stylist. Here we go again with the total package and she's only 22.

She is originally from Honolulu...nice and exotic. There's not much else to say about Miss Day but DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMNNNNNN!

Tip of the Day
Q:Miss Day, what's the best dating advice you could give to the single guys in Philly?
A.) Absolutely be yourself and confident of the type of person that you are.
B.) Never use a corny line because chances are we've heard it before & it's un-origional.
C.) If you can make me laugh I'll love you and any other girl will too!

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