Jerzy Juice aka Carmen V.

Welp, this hottie comes to us from, you guessed it, Jersey. Besides bringing us Bon Jovi and bad haircuts, Jersey has actually provided us with many a hottie on this site. I know it's Philly hotties, but these girls hang out in Philly, so I can justify their appearance on the site. Fortunately for us, Carmen isn't follicly challenged like most of Jersey. This girl is gorgeous. One look at her pictures and you're done. It's rare we impress ourselves here, but I can;t believe we actually got this girl on the site. I'm gonna let this beauty speak for herself....
Name is Carmen and I am 27 years old. I work 3 jobs and I am very independent! I love to Dance, write poetry, Work out at the gym and just be a camera hog. Im the type of girl that is known to be a wild child but can also be a sophisticated women when needed. I love to make new freinds and when I do, it is the first impression that catches there eye! What makes me unique is the way I live my life. I had a rough child hood and up bringing but I am always smiling and laughing that no one would even know that I did! I try and live my life to the fullest and live with no regrets. Im more then your typical Jersey/Philly girl. Im real and I say whats on my mind even if it may get me into trouble...
So she's a hardworker, natural beauty, and she works out. She also write poetry. I got a poem for her: "If you were in the ocean with a sea of ducks, you'd be the first one I'd want to ....pluck." Okay, so I'm not a poet, but this girl definitely knows how to have a good time. She's constantly taking pictures of herself and those around her. You gotta love a woman who knows when it's time to tone it down, and when it's time to just completely go nuts. The body is insane, the face is gorgeous, and I can;t even pretend not to notice that she's got one hell of a rack...her eyes are different colors in pictures, so dressing up is always an option. I don't even know what else to say. I'm speechless. The rough childhood turning her into a happier person is a good story, plus it means she knows how to roll with the punches. Nothing is worse than having something screw up, then getting yelled at on top of it. Just wow, fellas. Wow.

Tip of the Day
Q: Carmen, what's your best piece of dating advice for all those single guys out in Philly?A: If your a single guy in the dating atmoshpere, make sure you are up front about what you want! Women don't like to be tugged around and they def dont want you leading them on. Be your self especially when you first meet. The dating world is much harder now these days.....

yes she is very hot
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